Cats have spines on their tongues and their penises!

 Cats, considered cute or sweet by many people, have a very close relationship with humans. Despite this, few people who own cats know all the characteristics of these animals that they feed in their homes, or at least interesting ones. For example, anyone who has a cat (and has even seen a cat) knows that cats often lick themselves and thus clean themselves. But few people have been able to look closely at a cat's tongue.

Cats have spines
As you can note, cats have structures on average 500 microns in length that extend in the opposite direction of the tongue. They are called papillae and are made of keratin: the chemical that makes up their nails and hair... For this reason, these papillae are extremely hard structures, and the cat can use them almost like a comb.

Moreover, these structures are not found only in their language. Cats ' penises also have a hard protrusion that extends in the opposite direction from 120-150.

Cat penis
Their length is about 1 millimeter. These reversed protrusions trigger the vagina of the female cat, initiating ovulation (ovulation). For exactly this reason, a female cat may not be the father of the first male kittens to mate with. Because the first male initiates ovulation, one (or more) of the next lucky males also has the honor of being the father of the offspring. Of course, this does not have to be this way in all cases, and studies have not been able to show that the mating sequence is directly related to paternity.
It is believed that these reverse structures in the penis also clear sperm from previous males in the female's vagina, so that cats evolved in this direction because men with this trait more easily continue their lineage. In other words, each incoming male is specialized in such a way as to clean the sperm of the men before him as much as possible.